PC / Computer Maintenance
If your PC or laptop is playing up, there are really two possibilities; it’s either a hardware problem or a software problem.
Often within a few minutes of looking at the problem it becomes fairly obvious which it is, and if it’s hardware there are a few tests that will identify the problem. There are a number of hardware issues that are quick and easy to resolve by swapping out a component and the problem is sorted. However if the problem is for example the hard disk drive or perhaps the motherboard then it’s a bigger job.
Software problems are as varied as they come. Again a few minutes of experimenting can usually help to decide if the problems can be easily isolated and resolved, or if the system is in such a mess as to justify a complete reinstallation or recovery. This may sound drastic but it is often a cheaper and better alternative to what could be many hours of time consuming fiddling to try and resolve problems which may only be the tip of the iceberg.
Nobody wants to lose all their data, and it’s amazing how many people don’t have backups of their priceless photographs and videos. Whether it’s hardware or software, you can rest assured that your valuable documents will be saved if it is at all possible to do so.
Upgrading your PC or laptop can help prolong the life of your system, and stave off the need to buy a new system. RAM upgrades can often provide a huge performance increase, as can adding additional disk space, or transferring your system onto a newer faster had disk drive. There are usually options available to improve a PC, be it a new graphics card, or perhaps the addition of a USB hub to increase connectivity.
Many people spend much of their computer time accessing the internet or their email, and complain of a slow PC or laptop when their real problem is down to the effective speed of their internet connection, so it is always worth checking that your broadband setup is working effectively. Even if it turns out to be a problem for your Internet Service Provider to resolve, it is worth having some relevant information to confront them with, or we can speak to them on your behalf and hopefully cut through the call centre red tape for you.
If your laptop screen has been physically damaged it is worth checking your house contents insurance to see if it is covered. If it isn’t then don’t just ring the manufacturer or the shop you bought it from. If you do you might find that the price can be close to the price of a new laptop. Many laptop makers use standard screens, which are available at a fraction of the cost of the price quoted by your PC manufacturer. There is every chance that we can find and fit a replacement screen much cheaper than the main manufacturers and their maintenance companies.
Get in touch today to see how we can help.